Bring your eCommerce store to the customers’ inbox
Turn your audience into customers with interactive and impactful emails designed with the power of AI
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All you need for email-led growth
Create aesthetic emails without a developer or designer
Build beautiful and interactive HTML emails with drag and drag-and-drop editor. The editor is beginner-friendly and does not require coding knowledge/expertise.
Design yourself
Segment audience to send highly targeted and personalized campaigns
Avoid spamming customers by segmenting your audience based on actions they have performed with an advanced customer segmentation builder
Segment Now
Put engagement on auto-pilot with user journeys
Boost customer engagement and recover abandoned carts by setting up journeys for the welcome campaign, abandoned carts, etc, and maximize returns.
Automate Engagement
High deliverability and open rate
Track the detailed performance of your email campaigns, including CTR and engagement metrics, subscriber rate, etc. Generate and download reports of your choice to analyze your campaigns.
Analyze Your Success
Hand-held advisory with Expert
Achieve maximum results with our in-house Email Marketing experts who’ll guide you through your entire journey.
Get Expert Guidance
What you’ll achieve
Higher Open Rate
higher Clicks
more Conversions
Tell people who you are
Captivate your audience with a founder's note email, featuring eye-catching content, social media links, compelling visuals, and your brand's unique value proposition. This creates a lasting, resonating impression.
Engage with a Note
Cross-sell with dynamic suggestions
Boost conversions and customer retention by showcasing similar products through our Dynamic Product card. Customers can easily view product details and hop on to your website to make purchases. This enhances the interactivity and increases the chances of abandoned cart recovery/product purchases.
Explore Dynamic Product Cards
Include unique discount codes
Showcase your freshest picks, bestsellers, and handpicked recommendations with the Dynamic Product card. For an added level of effectiveness, consider including a Timer block to instill a sense of urgency, motivating your audience to take prompt action and drive increased sales during discount events and sales campaigns.
Impress Now
Why BIK Is The Best Email Marketing Software For eCommerce?
Fastest Go Live
Dedicated Support for GSM
User-friendly UI
Conversation marketing
Reporting & Analytics

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of email marketing campaigns does BIK endorse
While there exist numerous variations of email marketing campaigns, there are primarily four core categories of marketing emails, including: ● Promotional emails: These emails serve to promote a company's offerings, often by highlighting sales, discounts, seasonal events, corporate activities, and more. ● Product update emails: This type of email is used to notify customers about new or enhanced products. ● Digital newsletters: Regularly dispatched to a company's email subscribers, digital newsletters keep customers informed about company developments and industry news by featuring interesting articles and relevant updates. ● Transactional emails: These emails are typically triggered by a customer's actions. For instance, when a customer makes a purchase, they may receive a confirmation email or a follow-up email requesting feedback.
What is BIK’s bounce/delivery rate?
Our platform's bounce rate stands at approximately 0.4%, resulting in an impressive deliverability rate of 99.8%. Our dedicated deliverability team is committed to upholding these exceptional standards and is ready to assist with any inquiries or account optimization. Rest assured, your emails consistently reach your inbox with confidence.
What kind of dynamic product recommendation capabilities does BIK offer?
When you connect your Shopify store to BIK you can insert dynamic top-selling, similar products from your store into any visual email.
How do I know if my campaign has been successful?
On BIK’s campaign dashboard, you can track the performance of your campaign in terms of revenue impact (orders, sales, ROI) & engagement (reads, clicks, replies, abandoned carts, orders) in the campaign details. You can gauge the performance based on your industry, segment selected & template used to decide if a campaign has been successful.