Customer support that fuels your sales engine
Support your shopper on their every time and everywhere with omnichannel query management. Not just that turn support into a revenue-generating engine with BIK
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What you’ll achieve
Reduced Support Cost
Faster Resolution Time
Higher agent-assisted sales
Improve CX with instant answers for your shoppers
Promote your products with an interactive product card
Integrate your Shopify store to BIK connects to bring all your products and shopper history right into the Helpdesk. When your agents are having real-time conversations, they'll have all the information they need in a single place to recommend products, share product links, update orders, issue refunds, and more.
Promote now
Help them start the conversation
Don’t make your shoppers ask a question. Set up a chat campaign where your customers can start the conversation easily with the pre- populated conversation starters then offer proactive support or encourage sales. Your team of agents can then take the conversation ahead!
Start now
Route queries to the right agent
With Quick Replies, your agents can provide a faster response to general customer questions. Additionally, set automation that assigns queries to agents with the relevant experience & expertise, saving time & boosting CX.
Direct now
Streamline your store's chat support
Automated responses outside of business hours
Enable Auto-reply outside of business hours, allowing your chatbot to guide shoppers to self-help resources or capture their contact information for prompt assistance when your team is back online.
Enable now
Seamlessly transition between channels
Address queries from multiple channels on a single screen without switching screens ensuring you are there wherever your shoppers are.
Address now
Snooze complex inquiries temporarily
Set up reminders for high-priority customers & conversations that need internal team discussions before a revert. This ensures CX is well informed & not kept waiting
Snooze now
Why BIK is the best Customer Support Helpdesk for eCommerce?
Fastest Go Live
Dedicated Support for GSM
Centralize support tickets for a single truth source
AI-powered agent assistant
Reporting & Analytics

Frequently Asked Questions

How can a multi-channel helpdesk benefit my e-commerce website?
This solution ensures you can manage customer inquiries and issues across multiple communication channels from a centralized system, enhancing efficiency, reducing response times, and improving customer satisfaction.
How can I connect my customer data across multiple channels?
Probably not. Most brands already gather customer data directly through online stores and other experiences. The right CDP can help your business use all that data to drive more conversions and revenue the same way bigger brands do. If you haven’t heard much about smaller businesses using CDPs, that’s likely because they haven’t always been an accessible option. Many legacy platforms weren’t built with smaller businesses in mind. But making the most of your brand’s data shouldn’t require an extensive technical background or additional hiring.
Which communication channels can I integrate into a multi-channel helpdesk for my e-commerce site?
You can integrate a wide range of channels, including email, live chat, social media platforms, phone support, and even support tickets. The choice of channels depends on your customers' preferences and your business needs.
Our brand has multiple Instagram and Facebook pages, can we have a standardized communication for all?
Yes, you can connect multiple pages. The Instagram automation and chatbot will remain the same across the pages.
We use multiple Gmail accounts for support, sales & promotions, can all be connected?
Yes, multiple Gmail inboxes can be connected to one dashboard.
Can I manage customer interactions across all channels from one platform?
Yes, you can manage multiple channels on our platform, we are a multichannel CRM.